Sunday, November 16, 2014

YOU'RE LATE!! Favorite Beers from the Imbibe Hour in 2013

What the heck day is it?  Time goes by so fast you forget what you're up to.  Drink chasing, loose ends to tie down,  you lose track of everything.  Finally got back to the idea of writing and had quite a few ideas around the old woodshed, even thought yeah I'll have to get my fav beers idea going for 2014 soon..  Then I realized... I never even posted my favorite new beers in 2013!!

How could I have forgotten to put this up here?  In the end though when I think back to those old winter days, which are coming here shortly, I was horrifically sick with the flu.  So perhaps I didn't want to relieve that memory of 3 weeks of being bed ridden, and not shaving for a month.  I had a good excuse for growing a beard cause I had no strength and couldn't be bothered while hacking up 600 pounds of phlegm every morning.  It of course is long gone, mostly because I hated looking like a homeless person and certainly don't want to look like a walking stereotype of some beer geek.

So here it is!  My favorite new beers of 2013, so enjoy!  And yes there will be one for 2014... and I expected to be sick as a dog in January too.

Cheers and see you in 2014!

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